Availing a wonderful plaster choice

These days, almost all contractors and builders, all over the world prefer using plasters made from gypsum. The reason cited for this is because of its time saving attributes and superior finish and excellent look that it provides and advantages over sand plaster.

Using technology in construction

With time, the construction segment is said to be witnessing several new technology, trends and innovations being made across all applications that is aimed towards making construction much faster, while delivering higher and better performance.


What many may not have imagined of the fact that the sand-cement surface plastering that is being used for a long time is being fast replaced with a plastering method called gypsum plaster, which is stated to be a much older process!

About Gypsum as a plaster material

Gypsum is termed as a miraculous material that aids interior construction. One form is gypsum surface plaster which has become popular. Usage of gypsum in the form of internal plaster had been found in the Giza Pyramids in Egypt that were lined with stucco gypsum plaster and even still now are found to be intact, although they are centuries old. It is indeed a proof of its excellent performance and greater durability.

Its features

It is rather a light-weight material that was formed due to evaporating seat water, especially in the huge pre-historic basins. When its chemical composition is concerned, it is stated to be Calcium Sulphate Di-hydrate and contains inherently, water by about 21% by molecular weight. Products made from this material is being used for centuries now especially in construction and are a favorite choice due to its several unique properties. This material boasts of having wonderful insulation properties, both acoustic and thermal, while offering fabulous passive fire protection, impact resistance, and vapor control and moisture resistance.

Gypsum as a plaster

Generally, as the wall gets constructed with block or brick, it is a plaster coat that helps to provide the finish, known as internal plastering. It traditionally is carried out using sand cement plastering process using POP pruning.

It is a 2 stage process, involving multiple elements such as cement, water and sand that are mixed right at the site. This plastering form is replaced slowly with single, direct coat gypsum plastering application. It is produced due to raw gypsum calcinations within an automatic kettle that is kept under controlled temperature.

Knowing some of its advantages

  • Quality control not required
  • Site mixing
  • It gets applied within the level patches, thus, ensuring level and line surfaces
  • No water curing is required
  • Dries within three days
  • Painting can be started directly
  • No shrinkage cracks are noticed
  • Wall lining thickness limited to around 15 – 20 mm
  • Perfect level and line achievable
  • Smooth finish and no other finishing product necessary
  • Green material
  • Faster work and higher productivity
  • Much cleaner site
  • Enhanced performance, lightweight and durable

It is for all the above reasons that it has become a hot favorite plastering material among construction engineers and building owners.